Hindi Quiz

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Hindi Sample

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Category: 10th Hindi Sample

All the questions under this category useful for CCLE Activities in Balsabha.

1. चंदबरदायी रचित प्रमुख ग्रंथ का नाम क्या है जो वीरगाथा काल का भी प्रमुख ग्रंथ माना जाता है ?

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Category: 10th Hindi Sample

All the questions under this category useful for CCLE Activities in Balsabha.

2. When was Mahatma Gandhi Born ?

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Category: 10th Hindi Sample

All the questions under this category useful for CCLE Activities in Balsabha.

3. मुंशी प्रेमचंद की कहानियों को आठ भागों में किस नाम से संग्रहीत किया गया है ?

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Category: 10th Hindi Sample

All the questions under this category useful for CCLE Activities in Balsabha.

4. जयशंकर रचित महाकाव्य .....................   है ?

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